10 Simple Methods To Deal With Stress

Zee Media Bureau
Jan 11, 2024


Take a moment and listen to relaxing music if you're feeling overwhelmed by a difficult scenario.

Talk It Out

When you're feeling overwhelmed, call a friend and talk about your difficulties.

Eat Well

Fruits and vegetables are always beneficial, and fish high in omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to lower stress symptoms.


Laughter releases endorphins, which increase mood and lower levels of the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline.

Green Tea

It is high in antioxidants and theanine, an amino acid that has a relaxing impact on the nervous system.


The concept of "mindfulness" is central to many contemplative and somatic approaches to mental health, such as yoga and meditation.

Talk It Through

Sometimes calling a friend isn't an option. In this instance, talking gently to yourself may be the best option.


A brief walk around the office or even getting up to stretch out during a work break can provide instant comfort in a stressful scenario.


Turn off the television beforehand, dim your lights, and allow yourself time to unwind before going to bed.

Breathe Easy

The phrase "take a deep breath" may seem cliche, but it is legitimate when dealing with stress.


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