10 Tips To Reduce High Blood Pressure In Winter

Why BP Rises In Winter

Blood pressure frequently increases in the winter for several reasons. Dr Yogendra Singh Rajput, Consultant, Department of Cardiology, Marengo Asia Hospital, Gurugram, says, "Blood arteries contract in cold conditions, which momentarily raises blood pressure."

BP Rise Causes In Cold

Blood pressure can be further impacted by changes in nutrition that lead to a higher intake of calories and sodium, as well as reduced physical activity and possible weight gain, says Dr Yogendra Singh Rajput. He adds, "Reduced exposure to sunshine also has an impact on vitamin D levels; seasonal affective disorder and stress related to holiday activities both raise blood pressure."

Control High Blood Pressure

Dr Rajput says that blood pressure control throughout the winter months is mostly dependent on maintaining regular exercise, eating a balanced diet, controlling stress, and drinking plenty of water. Check out his 10 tips to keep BP in control in winter.

Follow A Healthy Diet

Blood pressure can be lowered with a diet high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats like fish. Essential nutrients and fiber from these foods boost heart health and help control blood pressure.

Quit Smoking

Smoking causes damage to blood vessels and may be a factor in the artery's hardening and narrowing, which raises blood pressure. Giving up smoking lowers these risks and improves cardiovascular health in general.

Exercise Daily

Staying physically active regularly is essential to blood pressure maintenance. Exercise reduces stress, promotes weight control, and improves the heart's ability to use oxygen, all of which improve blood pressure regulation.

Reduce Salt Intake

Consuming too much salt might raise blood pressure. Blood pressure levels can be greatly impacted by reducing salt intake by eschewing high-sodium processed foods and substituting herbs and spices for flavour.

Get A Good Night's Sleep

Good sleep is essential for maintaining general health, which includes controlling blood pressure. Blood pressure may be impacted by elevated stress hormone levels brought on by inadequate sleep. Better sleep can be achieved by establishing a regular sleep pattern and creating a relaxing environment.

Stop Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol can increase blood pressure, and chronic hypertension can result from consuming too much of it over time. Drinking alcohol in moderation or not at all can lower blood pressure.

Reduce Stress

Anxiety and chronic stress can raise blood pressure. Methods like mindfulness, yoga, meditation, and meditation, or just engaging in enjoyable activities, can lower blood pressure by easing tension and fostering relaxation.

Maintain Your BMI

Obesity and excess weight might raise the risk of hypertension. Maintaining a healthy BMI and lowering blood pressure can be achieved by controlling weight with a balanced diet and frequent exercise.

Warm Right Clothes

Keep your body warm especially in winter using proper clothing - blood pressure might momentarily rise in cold conditions. Wearing warm clothing, particularly in the winter, helps keep blood vessels from narrowing too much, which supports stable blood pressure.

Avoid Too Much Of Caffeine

While moderate coffee consumption may not have much of an impact on blood pressure, high consumption may cause brief rises. Blood pressure can be controlled by keeping an eye on and limiting coffee intake.


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