Brush twice a day, in the morning and at night. Choose a toothbrush with a tiny head and soft bristles for easier access to back teeth.
For best results, brush your teeth for two to three minutes.
Fluoride hardens tooth enamel and lowers your risk of tooth decay
Not only does floss remove plaque, but it also removes any food particles left over from the day that might create bad breath
Food acids weaken tooth material and dissolve minerals in tooth enamel, resulting in cavities.
It should be avoided because bacteria in dental plaque convert sugars into acids, which break down the minerals in your teeth and cause cavities.
Wear a mouth guard when participating in sports to protect your teeth. These can be purchased off the shelf or custom-fitted by your dentist.
Using them to split nuts, remove bottle tops, or rip open packaging risks chipping or fracturing your teeth.
A toothbrush will clean your teeth and mouth, but a tongue scraper will be more effective.
If you have a dental condition, such as pain in the teeth or bleeding gums, you should see your dentist on a regular basis.