10 Unique And Rare Fruits In India That You Must Try Once

Sagar Puri
Sep 11, 2023

Buddha's Hand

This unusual-looking fruit is mainly used for its aromatic zest in Indian cuisine.

Star Fruit

Star-shaped when sliced, this fruit has a sweet and slightly tart flavor. It's cultivated in certain regions of India.

Elephant Apple (Chalta)

This sour fruit is often used in pickles and traditional Assamese cuisine.


Graviola is a tropical fruit with a creamy, custard-like texture and a sweet-sour flavor. It's found in some parts of India.

Kokum Butter Fruit

Often used in Maharashtrian cuisine, kokum butter fruit has a tangy, sour taste and is used to make beverages and preserves.


This fruit has creamy, sweet flesh with a unique flavor. It's a popular fruit in various parts of India.


The hard, woody shell of this fruit houses a sweet and aromatic pulp that's often used to make beverages and jams.


Pulasan is a rare fruit found in the southern states of India. It has sweet, juicy flesh.


Also known as vegetable pear, this green, wrinkled fruit is used in various Indian dishes, especially in South Indian cuisine.


This tropical fruit has a custard-like texture and a sweet, fragrant flavor. It's mostly grown in the western and southern regions of India.


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