10 Ways To Boost Metabolism After 40

How To Boost Metabolism

The rate at which the body burns calories for energy is known as metabolism. Apart from activity levels, genetics, and some other factors, age plays an important role in determining the speed of metabolism. Here are some easy steps to boost metabolism, especially post-40s.

Drink Water

Drink plenty of water. When you drink water instead of sugary drinks, you stay hydrated while not gaining excess calories. Water also boosts metabolism temporarily.

Don't Skip Meals

Have small, frequent meals. No crash diet, no skipping meals - especially the first meal of the day, breakfast, should never be skipped.

Increase Protein Intake

A greater protein intake can boost your metabolism and ensure you burn more calories. You will also feel fuller and this will prevent you from overeating.

Eat At Same Time

If you eat at the same time every day, maintaining healthy time gaps between meals, it will prevent your body from conserving calories and adding to fat stores.

Limit Alcohol Intake

Processing alcohol diverts the liver from burning fat. Alcohol also contains loads of empty calories, so cut down on consumption.

Ensure Adequate Sleep

Poor sleep affects metabolism. It can lower the number of calories you burn, change the way sugar is processed by the body, and disrupt appetite-regulating hormones.

Do High Intensity Workout

A sedentary lifestyle is harmful and the effect starts to show even more after 30. Exercise regularly and add a few high-intensity workouts to boost your metabolism and burn fat.

Stand Up More

Sitting for long hours adversely impacts health and leads to calorie gain. Even if you have a desk job, make sure to take breaks, stand up and go for short walks.

Drink Green Or Oolong Tea

While more research is required, green tea and oolong tea are known to aid weight loss and boost metabolism.

Eat Spicy Foods

Though not significantly, spicy food can boost metabolism. Include ginger, garlic, cinnamon, turmeric, chilli peppers, while cooking meals.


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