10 Ways to Fix Your Sleep Schedule

Zee Media Bureau
Jul 14, 2023

Turning Off Lights

Making a plan for your light exposure is one of the best strategies to improve your sleep routine

Practice Relaxation

Making a calming nighttime routine could help to lessen stress and its detrimental impact on sleep

Skip Naps

Avoid taking daytime naps if your sleep schedule is off. The difficulty of falling asleep again at night can be exacerbated by napping

Daily Exercise

In addition to improving your sleep, exercise encourages the generation of melatonin, the sleep hormone

Avoid Noise

A peaceful bedroom is essential for a restful night's sleep. Earplugs are another option for muting outside noise

Cool Temperature

You'll feel more at ease and be able to fall asleep in a cold bedroom that's between 15 and 19 degrees Celsius

Comfortable Environment

The ideal resting space for a restful night's sleep is a comfy bed. Aches and pains might be exacerbated by worn-out pillows and beds

Eat Early

Eating your last meal two to three hours before bed will help you sleep better. Your body will have time to digest the food

Regularize Sleep

Decide on and adhere to a time for bed and waking up. Avoid staying up or sleeping in for more than one to two hours


Try to avoid eating right before bed. Fasting may aid in falling asleep because it naturally occurs while you sleep


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