10 Weight Loss Friendly Snacks To Munch On In Between Meals


A handful of almonds provides healthy fats, fiber, and protein, helping to keep you full and satisfied.

Greek Yogurt

Opt for plain Greek yogurt, which is high in protein and lower in sugar compared to flavored varieties. You can add fresh berries or a sprinkle of cinnamon for flavor.

Baby Carrots And Hummus

Carrots are low in calories and high in fiber, while hummus adds protein and healthy fats.

Hard-Boiled Eggs

Eggs are packed with protein and essential nutrients. Boil a few in advance and keep them refrigerated for a quick and easy snack.

Apple Slices With Peanut Butter

Apples are rich in fiber, and peanut butter provides protein and healthy fats. Choose natural peanut butter without added sugar or hydrogenated oils.


Sprouts are a healthy snack for weight loss. They are low in calories and packed with nutrients, including fiber, vitamins, and minerals.


Chickpeas are high in protein and fiber, which can help keep you full and satisfied, while providing important nutrients for your body.

Nuts And Seeds

Nuts and seeds are rich in healthy fats, protein, and fiber, which can help control hunger and provide important nutrients. However, portion control is important due to their calorie density.

Cottage Cheese With Berries

Cottage cheese is high in protein and low in calories. Top it with fresh berries for added sweetness and nutrients.

Cucumber Slices With Tzatziki

Cucumbers are refreshing and hydrating, while tzatziki (a Greek yogurt and cucumber dip) adds flavor and protein.


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