10 Yoga Asanas And Pranayamas To Reduce Fatigue, Anxiety And Stress

Zee Media Bureau
Sep 29, 2023

1. Savasana

In Savasana, you lie down on your back and relax your body and mind. This yogasana cools the body and calms the mind. It helps you let go of all the pent-up stress and fatigue.

2. Balasana

Balasana is an easy yoga posture you can practice to revive your energy level and reduce your fatigue. It relaxes your muscles and calms the body by opening your hip and back muscles.

3. Baddha Konasana

The Baddha Konasana is a gentle yoga posture that helps to stretch your inner and outer hips and groin. It helps to boost your energy level through better blood circulation.

4. Sukhasana

Sukhasana is a cross-legged meditative pose that helps calm the mind, straighten the spine, improve breathing, reduce fatigue and uplift the mood.

5. Viparita Karani

Through Viparita Karani or legs up the wall pose, you get rid of chronic tiredness and fatigue. It relieves headaches, soothes the mind, elevates the mood and bestows a peaceful sleep.

6. Bhujangasana

The cobra pose helps in rejuvenating the body by improving blood circulation and opening up blocked channels throughout the body. It mitigates stress and relieves pressure throughout the body.

7. Nadi Shodhan Pranayama

Nadi Shodhan pranayama is a breathing technique that helps clear the blocked energy channels and release accumulated tension and fatigue. Practicing it for just a few minutes every day helps keep the mind calm.

8. Shitali Pranayama

Sheetali Pranayama or Cooling Breath is a breathing practice that very effectively cools the body, the mind, and the emotions. This breathing technique reduces fatigue and high blood pressure.

9. Ujjayi Pranayama

Ujjayi Pranayama is the slow inhalation and exhalation from both nostrils. It allows more prana or life force to enter our system and helps to overcome fatigue, stress and negativity.

10. Brahmari

In this Pranayama you make sounds like a humming bee while exhaling and inhaling. This Pranayama is very effective in reducing stress and anxiety.


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