10 Yoga Asanas For Improved Eyesight

Zee Media Bureau
Oct 25, 2023


Begin by rubbing your hands together to generate heat and place them gently over your closed eyes. Breathe deeply and feel the warmth soothing your eyes.


Focus your gaze on a candle flame in a darkened room. This helps to improve concentration and strengthen your eye muscles.


Sit comfortably and blink your eyes rapidly for 30 seconds. This simple exercise helps moisturize your eyes.

Eye Circles

Move your eyes in clockwise and anti-clockwise circles to improve flexibility.

Up and Down Gaze

Gaze up and down without moving your head. This enhances the flexibility of your eye muscles.

Sideways Gaze

Similar to up and down gaze, but this time, focus on the sides.

Eye Palming

Rub your palms together, cup your eyes, and breathe deeply. This relaxes your eye muscles.

Nadi Shodhan Pranayama

Alternate nostril breathing helps to balance the energy flow in your body, benefiting your eyesight.

Child's Pose

This posture improves blood circulation to your head and eyes.

Fish Pose (Matsyasana)

This asana stretches and strengthens the eye muscles.


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