12 Amazing Health benefits of Kiwi

Rich in Vitamin C

Kiwi is packed with vitamin C, supporting immune health.

High in Fibre

It provides a good dose of dietary fibre, aiding digestion.

Antioxidant Powerhouse

Kiwi contains antioxidants that combat free radicals in the body.

Heart Health

It supports cardiovascular health due to its potassium content.

Low Calorie

It's a low-calorie fruit, suitable for weight management.

Aids Digestion

Enzymes in kiwi can aid in the digestion of proteins.

Bone Health

Kiwi contributes to bone health with its vitamin K and calcium.

Blood Sugar Control

Fibre and low glycemic index help in managing blood sugar levels.

Skin Health

Vitamin C promotes collagen production for healthy skin.

Vision Support

Kiwi's high lutein and zeaxanthin content benefit eye health.

Folate Content

Important for cell division, making it beneficial during pregnancy.


Its water content helps in maintaining hydration levels.


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