5 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Pop Your Pimples

What are Pimples?

Pimples are a skin condition which appears as white-centred red bumps on your skin, triggered by hormonal fluctuations.

Do We Pop Them?

Popping a pimple is highly discouraged because of the following reasons.

It Doesn’t Solve The Problem

Popping them can open the pores, helping bacteria seep deeper into the skin and can result in more harm than good.

Might Leave Scars

Following the act, the skin can be left with hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation, which can be quite noticeable.

Leads To Further Breakouts

Popping the pimples can facilitate the bacteria to spread to other pores and lead to further breakouts.

Delays The Healing Process

It is very important to resist the urge to pop your pimples as they can prolong the healing process to up to two weeks.

Can Lead To Other Health Problems

If bacteria enter through the broken skin around your mouth and nose, it can lead to infections in blood vessels directly connected to the brain.


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