5 Side Effects Of Eating Too Many Eggs

Pallavi Mehra
Mar 10, 2023

Excess Of Everything Is Bad

Eggs are high in protein but having a high-protein diet can affect your health badly.

Increases Cholesterol

Eating too many eggs can increase your cholesterol levels, as one large egg contains 186 mg cholesterol which is more than daily recommended amount.

Increases Risk Of Heart Diseases

Having too many eggs leads to rise in cholesterol levels and can further increase the risk of heart diseases.

May Lead To Abdominal Pain

Eating too many eggs can lead to abdominal pain and can affect your digestive system badly.

Skin Problems

Eating too many eggs can increase the production of hormone progesterone which can lead to boils or acne.

Eat Moderately

Consuming one or two may not be harmful but consuming more than that on a daily basis can turn out to be very harmful.


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