6 Awesome Benefits Of Tulsi

All Pics Source: Freepik

Zee Media Bureau
Jun 18, 2024


It is a common household plant also called Holy Basil. It is regarded highly in Ayurvedic medicine for its various health advantages. Some awesome benefit of Tulsi are:

Increase Immunity

Tulsi supports the treatment of common diseases like cold, flu, fever and infections.

Skin Benefit

Tulsi acts as an antibacterial herb and helps in the treatment of body related problems like acne.

Reduces Stress

Tulsi being an adaptogen helps in lowering stress level. It can be taken with tea or water to reduce blood pressure.

Increase Gut Health

Antibacterial qualities of Tulsi helps with digestion.

Respiratory Health

Tulsi helps in treatment of many respiratory illnesses like asthma, bronchitis and allergies.

Boost oral Health

Tulsi helps in Tooth and gum strengthening.

Consult An Expert

This article is meant for informational purposes only and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by qualified medical professionals


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