The immune system acts as a defense mechanism against disease-causing microorganisms. It protects you from all viruses and microbes that your body is exposed to daily.
Include vitamin C-rich foods like oranges, lemon, gooseberry, bell pepper, berries, tomatoes, dark leafy vegetables, cashew fruit, kiwi, strawberry, brussel sprouts, and broccoli. They aid in boosting your immune system.
Include fruits and vegetables like pumpkin, bell peppers, carrots, tomatoes, and papaya in your diet. These are essentially rich in antioxidants and help you build a stronger immune system. Also, wash all fruits and vegetables thoroughly, particularly leafy vegetables, cauliflower and broccoli before consuming them.
Add zinc-rich foods to your diet. The best sources of zinc are nuts, whole grains, legumes, yeast, and dairy products.
Garlic, fennel, basil, cloves and tulsi have anti-viral properties that help you maintain and boost your immune system.
Have healthy juice combinations like Beetroot + Carrot + Spinach + Amla + Ginger or Apple + Beetroot + Carrot + Ginger + Lemon + Celery. They help boost your immune system in an efficient manner.
Consume Moringa green tea, which is formulated to give you all the benefits of green tea combined with the power of the superfood Moringa. It is rich in vitamin C and has antioxidant properties that help boost immunity.