(This article is meant for informational purposes only and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by qualified medical professionals.)
Eating bottle gourd can help reduce stress. It's mostly made of water, which cools your body down. Plus, it has properties that help you relax and feel calm.
Bottle gourd is also really good for your heart. Drinking its juice at least three times a week can help you keep a healthy heart and control your blood pressure.
If you want to lose weight, drinking a bottle gourd juice can help. It's full of iron, vitamins, and potassium.
Another benefit of bottle gourd is that it helps with sleep problems. Just mix some sesame oil with the bottle gourd juice, and you'll sleep better.
Drinking a glass of bottled gourd juice every day can help you keep your hair color and texture.
Bottle gourd also helps with digestion. It has lots of fiber and alkali, which can help with acidity problems.
Bottle gourd juice works like a natural cleaner and helps get rid of toxins in the body.