7 Benefits Of Iron For Your Skin, Hair, And Health

Gives Skin A Healthy Glow

A healthy amount of iron-rich foods in your diet gives the skin a healthy pinkish glow.

Fights Hair Loss

Iron fights hair loss and improves hair texture by increasing the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the roots and scalp.

Makes You Energetic

Iron carries oxygen to the muscles and brain, and increases both mental and physical alertness.

Aids Muscle Function

Iron facilitates the production of myoglobin that carries oxygen from haemoglobin and stores it in the muscle cells, thus, improving muscle function.

Contributes To Brain Development

It is encouraged to give children iron-rich diets as iron facilitates cognitive function and contributes to brain development.

Enhances Immunity

Iron has proven to bolster immunity and facilitate the production of reactive oxygen species that fight pathogens.

Relieves Premenstrual Symptoms

A healthy intake of iron can help relieve premenstrual symptoms like dizziness, hypertension, mood swings, etc.


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