7 Common Dental Care Mistakes That Can Decay Your Teeth Over Time

Ignoring Bad Breath

Bad breath can be a sign of bad oral hygiene and any underlying gum problem and ignoring it can make those issues worse.

Consuming Caffeine After Brushing

Brushing your teeth polishes the top coat of the teeth making them more vulnerable to germs, so, having caffeine soon after can make them yellowish.

Not Changing Toothbrush When Sick

It is advisable to change the toothbrush when you are sick in order to stop the spread of pathogens and reinfection.

Brushing Immediately After A Meal

Brushing your teeth immediately after a meal can potentially harm your enamel.

Rinsing After Brushing

Rinsing your mouth right after brushing can diminish the fluoride benefits of the toothpaste.

Not Brushing For Long

It is advised to spend at least 30 seconds on each of the quadrants while brushing as anything less than that can lead to oral health issues.

Brushing Harshly

Exerting excessive force while brushing your teeth can lead to enamel damage and increased tooth sensitivity.


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