7 Foods To Eat On An Anti-Anxiety Diet

Probiotic Foods

Foods with high levels of probiotics like pickles and kombuchas can help with your immunity, and digestive health and make your anxiety manageable.


Foods like fish, nuts, seeds, etc. are good sources of omega-3 fatty acids which have proven to have positive effects on symptoms of anxiety.


Zinc in red meat, dairy, eggs, legumes, etc. can have a calming and sedating effect on the brain.


Leafy greens, seeds and whole grains filled with magnesium help stabilize blood sugar levels that in turn keep the feelings of anxiety in check.


Copper in mushrooms, almonds, cashews, dark chocolate and more ensures that the endocrine, immune and nervous systems are working properly.

Vitamin B6

Salmon, tuna, bananas, sweet potatoes, etc. are excellent sources of Vitamin B6 and can have a positive impact on anxiety.


Berries, nuts and fruits are all high in antioxidants that can help decrease the symptoms of depression and anxiety.


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