7 Side Effects Of Consuming Excess Vitamin D

Some Sources Of Vitamin D

The finest sources include sunlight, fish liver oils, and fatty fish meat. Cheese, beef liver, and egg yolks contain smaller quantities.


Hypercalcemia, or an excess of calcium in the blood, can result from taking too much vitamin D. Some Symptoms Include Depression, Headache, Memory Problems ,Constipation etc.

Kidney Issues

Renal damage, can also result from hypercalcemia brought on by too much vitamin D. Kidney stones can occur when a person has too much vitamin D because it enhances calcium absorption.

Bone Problems

Megadose vitamin D users have been shown to be more prone to bone fractures, according to research.

Altered State Of Mind

Confusion, despair, and psychosis are frequent symptoms of vitamin D toxicity-induced hypercalcemia

Irregular Heartbeat

Extreme hypercalcemia can make cardiac cells less functioning. Heartbeat abnormalities can also occur in those with severe hypercalcemia.

High Levels Of Blood Calcium

If you consume too much vitamin D, your blood calcium may rise to levels that might bring on uncomfortable and even deadly symptoms


Acute pancreatitis, which is the medical name for pancreatic inflammation, can be brought on by hypercalcemia.


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