7 Tips To Prevent Dengue Fever

Use Mosquito Repellent

The most efficient way to prevent dengue fever is to use mosquito repellent creams.

Wear Protective Clothing

During mosquito season, it is best to sleep in rooms with air conditioning and mosquito netting on the windows.

Use mosquito deterrents

Use cleaning chemicals and other deterrents that prevent dengue mosquitos from entering your home when cleaning.

Refrain from breeding grounds

Mosquitoes prefer filthy environments, such as stagnant pools, because they allow mosquitoes to spawn.

Avoid smells that attract mosquitoes

Sweat and perfume, for example, attract mosquitos like moths to a flame.

Make sure your home is well-lit

Mosquitoes typically breed in small, dark areas. Allow the sun to shine through your windows all day to keep insects at bay.

Be knowledgeable about dengue fever

Dengue fever is caused by the presence of the virus in the salivary glands of the mosquito and is transmitted to people through mosquito bites.


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