7 Tips To Reduce Menstrual Bloating

Zee Media Bureau
Aug 26, 2023

What Is Period Bloating?

Period bloating occurs when a woman believes her belly is heavy and swollen before and during her period. Bloating is also one of the PMS symptoms that might appear 1-2 weeks before a woman's period.

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity has been shown to reduce PMS symptoms such as bloating. Aim to exercise on the majority of the days of the month.


Foods that can induce or worsen bloating should be avoided. Avoid foods containing caffeine, salt, or sugar before and during your period.

Consume Slowly

When you eat too rapidly, you may swallow air, which causes bloating. Slow down at mealtimes and avoid chewing gum and carbonated beverages.


Sleep deprivation has been linked to an increase in PMS symptoms. If feasible, aim for seven to nine hours of undisturbed sleep.

Stress Reduction

Women who are anxious are more likely to suffer from PMS symptoms. To reduce your symptoms, try relaxing practices such as yoga, meditation, and massage.

Avoid Smoking

Smoking may worsen PMS symptoms

Consume potassium-rich meals

Eating potassium-rich foods may help reduce period bloating.


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