8 Easy and Healthy Recipes For Busy Lifestyle

Zee Media Bureau
Oct 30, 2023

Overnight Oats:

Prepare this nutritious breakfast the night before by mixing oats, milk (or yogurt), and toppings like fruits, nuts, or seeds in a jar.

Sheet Pan Meals:

For a fulfilling meal like this, roast a variety of vegetables and proteins together. [Mix vegetables like broccoli & bell peppers, and proteins like chicken or tofu, and seasoning of choice].

Wrap 'n' Roll:

Prepare your on-the-go meal by quickly assembling tortillas (stale roti), lean proteins (such as grilled chicken or hummus), and a mix of fresh vegetables together.

Stir-Fry Delight:

To have a portable, healthy meal, prepare salads in jars and layer it with your favorite fruits & desserts.

Salad in a Jar:

To have a portable, healthy meal, prepare salads in jars and layer it with your favorite fruits & desserts.

Smoothie Power:

Blend fruits, leafy greens, and proteins like yogurt along with milk as base liquid for a quick and nutritious meal or snack option.

Egg Muffins:

Take 5-6 eggs and bake it with veggies topped with cheese. store these protein-packed goodies for easy grab-and-go breakfasts or snacks.

Pita Pizzas:

For a healthier, homemade alternative to traditional pizza, top whole-wheat pita (or any bread) with tomato sauce, veggies, meats(optional), and a sprinkle of cheese.


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