8 Foods You Must Avoid For Dinner

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Starchy Foods

According to GQ India report, high starch foods should not be consumed for dinner as they have a high GI (glycemic index) and can disturb the blood sugar balance.

Spicy foods

Spicy foods at night is not recommended. Why? It can raise your body temperature, and has the tendency to aggravate acid reflux or lead to indigestion.

Not Just A Salad

Yes, it might surprise you but salads alone can't keep you full at night. So, if you are planning to gulp that healthy bowl of salad, make sure it contains adequate lean proteins, and healthy fats. Then toss it with olive oil or vinegar dressing.

Processed Foods

According to MedicineNet, processed foods contain fats and sugars which may pose a hindrance to your sleep cycles at night.

High Sugar Foods

At best you can have a dessert (if at all you crave it) and then straight rush for your nighttime brushing to avoid any dental decays.

Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables belong to the family Brassicaceae such as cauliflower, cabbage, kale, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and similar green leaf vegetables. These are high in fiber and could slow down digestion, so taking them for dinner can be best skipped.

Caffeinated foods and drinks

Of course, Caffeinated foods and drinks will hamper your sleep cycle at night and keep you awake.


Drinking alcohol just before you are about to doze off at night is not a very good idea, it seems. It can also interfere with your sleep patterns.


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