8 Home Remedies For Chest Congestion

Zee Media Bureau
Sep 05, 2023

Steam Inhalation

Breathe in steam from a bowl of hot water to help loosen mucus and ease congestion

Warm Liquids

Drink warm herbal tea, honey and lemon water, or chicken soup to soothe your throat and thin mucus

Eucalyptus Oil

Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to hot water and inhale the steam to relieve chest congestion

Honey And Ginger

Mix honey and ginger juice, and consume it to help reduce chest congestion.

Warm Compress

Apply a warm compress to your chest to provide relief and help break up mucus.

Stay Hydrated

Drink plenty of fluids to keep your body hydrated and help thin out mucus

Elevate Your Head

Prop yourself up with pillows while sleeping to promote drainage and ease congestion


Incorporate garlic into your meals or chew on a clove of garlic to help alleviate chest congestion.


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