Excessive amounts of stress might lead to hormonal imbalances and longer periods, Try stress control techniques including yoga, meditation, and deep breathing.
Your menstrual cycle may be regulated and the length of your periods can be shortened with physical exercise.
Hormone regulation and period length reduction can both be aided by eating a balanced diet rich in fresh produce, healthy grains, and lean protein.
Because menstruation fluid contains both blood and water, be sure to drink enough water to keep hydrated.
The anti-inflammatory qualities of several herbs, including ginger, turmeric, and raspberry leaf, can help balance hormones and shorten your period.
The birth control pill helps control your hormones and shorten your period.
You can reduce the length of your period and ease menstrual cramps by using a heating pad or taking a warm bath.
These movements can help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and increase blood flow to the uterus.