8 Side Effects Of Air Conditioning (AC) On Health: Dry Skin, Infections And More


Air conditioning can contribute to dehydration by reducing the moisture content in the air, leading to an increased need for fluid intake.(Photo credit: freepik)

Dry eyes

The dry air can irritate, especially for those who wear contact lenses, leading to discomfort and dryness.(Photo credit: freepik)

Worsening of Chronic Illnesses

Conditions like arthritis can be aggravated by the cold air from AC units, leading to increased pain and discomfort.(Photo credit: freepik)

Reduced Ability to Tolerate Heat

Constant exposure to cool environments can make it harder for the body to acclimate to hot temperatures, increasing susceptibility to heat-related illnesses and lowers the ability to tolerate heat.(Photo credit: freepik)


If ACs are not cleaned regularly, they can become breeding grounds for harmful microorganisms, leading to infections like Legionnaires' disease.(Photo credit: freepik)

Fatigue and Headaches

Prolonged exposure to AC can cause fatigue and headaches due to dry air and temperature fluctuations.(Photo credit: freepik)

Respiratory Issues

Poorly maintained AC can circulate dust, mold, bacteria, and other allergens, potentially exacerbating asthma and other respiratory conditions. So from time to time maintenance is necessary.(Photo credit: freepik)

Dry Skin

AC reduces humidity levels, leading to dry skin, eyes, and respiratory tract, causing irritation and discomfort. (Photo credit: freepik)


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