8 Tips To Combat Anxiety For A Restful Night


Recurring anxiety/ panic attacks during night can leave you drained by disrupting your sleep. Consequently, it becomes essential to learn how to manage it efficiently.

Fix A Bedtime Routine

Unwind yourself before bed to ease stress through reading, writing, watching your favorite show or even practicing yoga and meditating.

Limit Screen Time Before Going To Bed

Avoid blue screens for long durations as it visibly disrupts your sleep cycle. When reading, go for a book instead.

Exercise Deep Breathing

Calm your mind by practicing slow and deep breathing. Try inhaling, holding, and exhaling all for at least a count of four

Reach Out And Seek Professional Guidance

In case the anxiety continues to prevail, it's important to consult medical help. Schedule an appointment for acquiring best aid and treatment options for your betterment.

Practice Moonlight Meditation

Find yourself a place under the soft glow of the night sky, facing towards the moon, try calming your mind, check your thoughts and embrace the silence that surrounds you.

Craft Your Thoughts

Design or buy yourself a dreamcatcher and place it somewhere near your bed. Looking at it will filter out all the negativity and anxiousness.

Opt For Herbal Teas

Add celestial rich ingredients Tilia Flowers, Blackberry Leaves,Spearmint to your tea. As it will help you in unwinding your thoughts and relaxing.


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