8 Tips To Reduce Daily Salt Intake

Zee Media Bureau
Oct 10, 2023

Read Food Labels

Check the sodium content on food labels and choose lower-sodium options.

Cook From Scratch

Prepare meals at home so you have control over the amount of salt added.

Use Herbs And Spices

Experiment with herbs, spices, garlic, or lemon juice to add flavor to your dishes, instead of relying on salt.

Limit Processed Foods

Minimize consumption of processed foods like canned soups, chips, pre-packaged meals, and cured meats, as they tend to be high in sodium.

Choose Fresh Produce

Opt for fresh fruits and vegetables as they tend to have lower sodium content compared to canned or frozen alternatives.

Avoid Adding Salt While Cooking

Try reducing or eliminating adding salt while you cook. You might find that the natural flavors of ingredients are enough.

Limit Fast Food And Dining Out

Restaurants and fast food chains often use high amounts of salt in their dishes. Try to limit dining out or choose healthier options when you do.

Hydrate Properly

Drink plenty of water throughout the day to help flush excess salt from your system.


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