10 Foods To Eat To Combat Air Pollution

Air Turns Toxic In Delhi-NCR, Mumbai

In several cities across India, the air we breathe has turned toxic and pollution has reached apocalyptic levels. While taking other measures, it's important to follow a diet that's healthy for the lungs, the organs which get most impacted by bad air.

Consult Doctor

While a healthy diet is important to manage the impact of pollution, remember the following list provides generic information and is not a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a doctor for more information.


Known for its anti-inflammatory properties thanks to the compound curcumin present in it, turmeric is a herb that should be consumed to combat pollution. Be it haldi milk at night or turmeric paste with a dash of jaggery and butter, have this superfood to get some relief.


According to some reports, jaggery (your good old gur) relaxes bronchial muscles, which can help increase airflow to the lungs thus making breathing easier.


Several studies have shown that a diet rich in apples can improve lung function and reduce the risk of ailments like asthma.


Rich in antioxidants that help reduce airway inflammation like lycopene, beta-carotene, and vitamin C, tomatoes can help combat asthma and other respiratory problems.


Loaded with omega-3 fatty acids and phytoestrogens, flaxseeds should be consumed at a time when the air around you has turned toxic. Phytoestrogens can help in managing respiratory illnesses like asthma while omega-3 fatty acids protect the cardiovascular system, much needed in this smog.


This super nut is again packed with omega-3 fatty acids which can help combat different respiratory illnesses including asthma, a common side-effect of pollution.


This staple Indian kitchen spice is loaded with allicin and has anti-inflammatory properties, which reduce damage caused by free radicals. Garlic can reduce the risk of infections and inflammation that to respiratory issues.


This vegetable is loaded with health benefits. Rich in beta carotene, zeaxanthin, lutein and chlorophyll, spinach boosts our immune system which is important as we cope with smog.


Containing vitamin C, carotenoids, folate, and phytochemicals, broccoli can be a super vegetable that helps in fighting lung infection and bettering lung health.


Pumpkins are rich in carotenoids including beta carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin and are associated with improved lung function.


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