Chandrayaan 3: Types Of Foods Astronauts Eat In Space

Sagar Puri
Aug 25, 2023

Space Ice Cream

Space ice cream is a special type of ice cream that is made with freeze-dried ingredients. It is soft and easy to eat, even in space.

Thermostabilized Foods

These are pre-cooked foods that have been sealed in cans or pouches. They have a long shelf life and include dishes like stews, pasta, and rice dishes.

Dehydrated Foods

Foods are dehydrated to remove their moisture content, which helps extend shelf life and reduce weight.

Freeze-Dried Foods

Similar to dehydrated foods, freeze-drying involves removing water from the food. This preservation method retains more of the food's original flavor, texture, and nutritional value.

Fresh Foods

Although limited, some fresh foods like fruits (e.g., apples, oranges) and vegetables (e.g., lettuce, carrots) are sent on resupply missions.

Healthy Snacks

Astronauts have a variety of snacks available, including nuts, trail mix, granola bars, and crackers. These foods provide quick energy and a sense of normalcy during long missions.


In place of traditional bread, tortillas are often used in space due to their reduced crumbing and messiness in microgravity.


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