Follow These 7 Tips to Improve Your Posture

Aug 01, 2024

Stand Straight

Always stand straight to avoid the pain in the back. Your chin should level the ground, and belly should be tucked and shoulders at the back.

Use Posture friendly Props

Posture friendly props such as an ergonomic chair helps maintain good posture and supports curvature on the lower spine.

Don’t Slouch

Slouching on the chair, bed or anywhere is bad for your posture as it might hurt your back in the long term. You must sit upright at a 90 degree angle and feet flat on the ground.

Avoid overprotecting Postures

To avoid pain in the spine, one must avoid overprotecting postures. Relax your body as restricted motion can cause problems in the long term.

Sleep properly

For a good posture, select a mattress which is firm as it will support the actual posture of the spine. Placing a pillow under your neck is a good option to maintain the posture.

Avoid lowering your neck while texting

Lowering the neck while reading texts or texting puts a lot of pressure on the spine. Make sure to stretch your neck and keep the phone at eye level.

Get Up and Move

When you are sitting for too long it might tempt you to slouch. Hence get up and move to maintain your posture.


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