Foods That Are Worst to Have Late at Night

Jul 31, 2024


It contains Caffeine and sugar content which is harmful for our body and also not allows us to sleep early at night.


It contains tomato ketchup and cheese etc. It is high in cholesterol and the ketchup is acidic in nature which can also cause acid reflux and also cause discomfort.


It is very high in Artificial Sugar and also causes discomfort. It can also spike Blood Sugar in the body.


It is deep fried in oil which is high in cholesterol and can upset the stomach.

Ice cream

It is full of Artificial sugars and high in Fat. It can also cause discomfort and trigger sugar cravings.


They are made up of butter, chocolate and sugar. It consists of saturated fat and caffeine which causes discomfort.

Kidney Beans

They are high in fibre which is very slow to digest causing cramping and stomach issues.


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