High Uric Acid Control: Foods To Eat And Avoid

Aug 08, 2023

Gout Pain: Food To Avoid

Having gout pain? Here's a list of food items that you should avoid. (Pics: Freepik, Pexel)

Red Meat

If you can't give up completely, limit serving sizes of red meat if you are suffering from high uric acid.

Sugary Beverages

Say no to sugary beverages especially fruit juices and sugary sodas.


Certain types of seafood like shellfish, oily fish, and canned fish should not be had if you had gout pain.


If you have gout attacks, avoid alcohol. Even when there's no pain, cut down on alcohol consumption.

Gout Pain: Food To Eat

Here are some food items that doctors recommend if you have high uric acid. Always check with your physician before taking a decision.

Fruits And Vegetables

Have fresh fruits and veggies to manage gout.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C may help lower uric acid levels. Check with a doctor about the right amount.


Some studies have shown that eating cherries is associated with a lowered risk of gout attack.


Drinking coffee in moderation can be helpful in managing gout pain. Opt for a regular caffeinated coffee.


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