Thyroid Diet: 10 Foods To Avoid


Caffeine in excess may interfere overall the hormone's intake and possibly worsen thyroid problems.

Cruciferous Vegetables

Goitrogens might be found in broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale, and cabbage.

Sugary Snacks And Beverages

Excess sugar consumption can cause inflammation and metabolic abnormalities, which can impair thyroid function.


Thyroid hormone synthesis and conversion can be disrupted by excessive alcohol use, compromising thyroid function.

Excessive Fiber

Excess dietary fiber from beans, and legumes affects your digestive tract and can interfere with the absorption of thyroid hormone replacement medicines.

Processed Foods

Extremely processed foods are frequently high in unhealthy fats, carbohydrates, and preservatives that can harm thyroid wellness and general well-being.

Fried Foods

Fried foods, which are high in harmful fats, may lead to inflammation and disturb hormone balance, particularly thyroid hormones.

Excessive Iodine

While iodine is required for the thyroid to function properly, excessive amounts from supplements or iron-rich foods such as seaweed can cause thyroid fail to function properly.


Individuals with thyroid diseases may be sensitive to gluten, which can increase inflammation and thyroid abnormalities.

Soy And Soy Products

Soy includes goitrogens, which may cause problems with thyroid function. Soya-based processed foods can be eaten in limit.


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