Bael is popularly known as “Bilva”.” It is more inclined as spiritual fruit, offered for Lord Shiva. Ayurveda crowns Bael as one of the super fruits.
Mango is the king of Ayurvedic super fruits. It is one of the three fruits listed as top three energetic foods.
Pomegranate is one of the super fruits, not just in Ayurvedic perspective. It is packed with all essential nutrients to build a balanced system.
Banana is a high fibrous fruit. It has numerous varieties. It helps to balance Kapha and reduces water retention.
Amla aka Indian Gooseberry is nectar. It is full of prana called life. Eating an amla a day keeps you healthy, energetic and youthful.
Apple is a super fruit across different cultures. In Ayurveda, apple helps to balance the Kapha dosha.
Pear is not a very popular fruit. Pear helps to balance the hormones and create energy. This super fruit is very light, not too sweet and fully balancing.
Ayurveda highly regards sweet grapes and dry grapes. Ancient texts of Ayurveda crowns grapes as one of the best ayurvedic super fruits.
Ayurveda celebrates watermelon for its ability to balance Pitta. Watermelon forms an essential super fruit in daily diet during summer.
Papaya is very light, but intense and a hot potency super fruit. Papaya helps to balance kapha dosha. Papaya eases digestion and creates a equilibrium in the body.