10 Birds Linked With Good Fortune And Prosperity

Zee Media Bureau
Nov 01, 2023

1. Crane

Cranes are considered a symbol of longevity and good luck in many Asian cultures, particularly in Japan. They are associated with happiness, good health, and prosperity.

2. Peacock

In Hinduism, the peacock is associated with Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity. In some cultures, the vibrant colors of the peacock symbolize good fortune.

3. Stork

The stork is a symbol of fertility and good luck in various cultures. In some societies, it is believed that seeing a stork is an omen of good fortune.

4. Swallow

Swallows are often associated with love and fidelity, and in some cultures, they are believed to bring good luck and happiness to the household where they build their nests.

5. Albatross

Sailors have traditionally considered the sighting of an albatross at sea as a sign of good luck. It is also a symbol of hope and safe passage.

6. Bluebird

Bluebirds are often seen as symbols of happiness, good fortune, and prosperity in North American folklore. "The bluebird of happiness" is a well-known saying.

7. Magpie

In some cultures, especially in China, magpies are associated with good luck and fortune. The number of magpies seen can have different symbolic meanings.

8. Hummingbird

In Native American cultures, hummingbirds are considered symbols of love and good luck. They are seen as messengers of positive energy and joy.

9. Phoenix

In Chinese and Japanese mythology, the phoenix is a symbol of immortality and rebirth. It represents good fortune, longevity, and prosperity.

10. Goldfinch

In European folklore, goldfinches are believed to bring happiness and good luck. Their vibrant yellow plumage is seen as a symbol of prosperity and joy.


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