10 Bizarre Indian Superstitions: Which One You Follow?

Pritam Saha
May 12, 2023

Eating Curd

Eating curd and sugar before an important event or exam is believed to bring good luck

Lemon And Chillies

Placing a lemon and some green chillies at the entrance of a house is said to keep evil spirits away.

Adding One Rupee

A one rupee coin is added to the total gift amount, for it’s considered auspicious.

Mynah Chronicles

The sight of only one mynah bird is considered unlucky, whereas the sight of couple is said to be lucky.

Itchy Palms

Money is said to pour in when the right palm itches, but will flow out when the left palm itches.

Eye Twitching

For men, a twitching right eye is a sign of luck, whereas for women, a twitching left eye means good news.

Breaking A Mirror

Breaking a mirror is believed to bring seven years of bad luck

Crow Shit

It's considered lucky if a crow shits on you while you're travelling.

Broom Theory

Keeping a broom behind the door of a house is believed to ward off evil spirits

Black Cat

If a black cat crosses your path, it is considered unlucky


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