Exploit your skill as a self-employed expert and invest in it.

Make it your goal to do one thing better than anyone: Work on it, train it, learn it, practice, evaluate and refine it. You may find most sports-players or entertainers are millionaires, and that is because they are utilizing their skills fully.

May 19, 2023

Hit $100K, then invest the rest.

Instead of thinking of how to get rich fast, aim at saving $100K first. The small amounts you save daily are powerful.

Be an inventor and consider it as an opportunity to serve.

When you start to serve a lot of people, the effect of word of mouth is magnified – not to mention, you’ll have much more helpful feedback to improve what you do.

Join a start-up and get stock.

Only a small minority of start-ups succeed in realizing large capital gains, so the odds are not good. However, you can use your judgment to see which business idea and which management team are likely to succeed.

Develop property.

Buying, developing and selling property has always been a major way for people to accumulate capital.

Build a portfolio of stocks and shares.

If you can make steady investments in stocks over a long period, choose wisely and reinvest the dividends then you can build a large store of wealth.

Start your own business and eventually sell it

More and more startup have seen success with great return in recent years. If you can find a new approach towards a specific corner of the market and build a business that addresses that need, then you have a potential of success in it.

Find a job in the right vehicle.

Choose a job of your interest – do what you love and love what you do. No one succeeds in doing what they hate.

Cut your expenses.

The biggest problem in some people’s path of getting rich is that they always spend more than what they earn. Living below your means will be the easiest to get rich.

Save it in your bank.

Set savings goals and routines to support those goals. Figure out ways that work for you in saving money, and refine what doesn’t.


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