India is home to the world's largest youth population, with around 808 million people under the age of 35.
Despite being the world's largest democracy, India has one of the lowest voter turnouts among democracies, with only around 67% of eligible voters casting their ballots in the 2019 elections.
India has the highest number of people living in slums around the world, with around 65 million people living in slum areas across the country.
More than 14% of India's population still defecate in the open, which is a major cause of health problems in the country.
India has one of the highest number of malnourished children in the world, Over 33 lakh children in India are malnourished. 17.7 lakh of them are severely malnourished.
India ranks third in road accidents with 480,652 road accidents that claimed 150, 785 lives, which is more than any other country.
As per the 'World Inequality Report 2022', India is among the most unequal countries in the world, with rising poverty and an 'affluent elite.'
India is the second largest gold jewellery consumer in the world. In 2021, India bought 611 tonnes of gold jewellery, second only to China (673 tonnes),
India is the world's largest producer of milk, with around 24% of the global milk production coming from India.
India has one of the highest number of internet shutdowns in the world, with more than 100 shutdowns were reported in the country in 2021 alone.