List things you are good at and weaknesses you need to work on. (Pic: Pixabay)
Don't run away, face your fear, learn ways to overpower it. (Pic: Pixabay)
Even if it's small, celebrate wins. It gives a sense of accomplishment. (Pic: Pixabay)
Never set huge unrealistic goals. Increase your goal level gradually. (Pic: Pixabay)
If you have set a goal, monitor your progress every day. (Pic: Pixabay)
Take care of your physical, mental and emotional health. (Pic: Pixabay)
Always take decisions rationally. Don't jump into doing something instantly. (Pic: Pixabay)
Never believe if someone is mocking your goals. Tell yourself that they are wrong and work to prove them wrong. (Pic: Pixabay)
Always think and plan for long-term and work gradually to reach the goal. (Pic: Pixabay)
If you practice your routine, it turns into a habit and makes things easier for you. (Pic: Pixabay/Source: Internet)