Carry limited luggage. If possible, avoid carrying valuables like jewellery.
Avoid ordering food from train pantries unless it's premium trains like Rajdhani or Tejas.
When travelling alone, talk to the people around you. They can help in an emergency.
Avoid Sleeper class journey, if possible.
Avoid buying cheaper electronic goods sold by vendors in trains. These items don't last long.
Do not deboard the train at small stations having shorter halts.
When booking a train ticket, give preference to the upper berth to avoid disturbance.
Don't spoil your mood by petty arguments. It's a journey of just a few hours.
Keep a book with you. It helps you get rid of boredom.
Keep the power bank with you as a backup for keeping your smartphone charged.
In case of any issue, reach out to Indian Railways through their Twitter handle.