6 Greatest Universities Of Ancient India (Akhand Bharat)

Zee Media Bureau
Aug 02, 2024

Nalanda University, Bihar

Speaking at the inauguration of the new campus of the Nalanda University in Bihar. Nalanda is a symbol of India's academic heritage and vibrant cultural exchange.

Takshashila (Taxila) University - Rawalpindi, present-day Pakistan

The Takshashila University was located in Rawalpindi, in present-day Pakistan. It taught 64 subjects, including literature. Alumni include Jivak, Panini, and Kautilya.

Sharda Peeth - Neelum Valley, P.O.K, India

Sharada Peeth is a ruined Hindu temple and ancient centre of learning located in the Neelum Valley of Pakistan-administered Azad Kashmir in the disputed Kashmir region.

Vikramshila University, Bihar

Vikramashila was a monastery in the Magadha region of modern-day Bihar in India. It was founded by King Dharmapala between the late eighth and early ninth century.

Valabhi University, Gujarat

Valabhi University was an important learning center of Buddhist learning and championed the cause of Hinayana Buddhism between 600 CE and 1400 CE. Valabhi was the capital of the Maitraka empire during the period 480-775 CE.

Pushpagiri University, Odisha

Pushpagiri was an ancient Buddhist mahavihara or monastery complex situated atop Langudi Hill (or Hills) in Odisha's Jajpur district. Pushpagiri is referenced in the writings of the Chinese traveller Xuanzang, as well as in several other ancient texts.


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