Baba Ramdev Explains How Yoga Can De-Stress Your Life

Gunjan D. Bidani
Jun 20, 2024

Yoga's Ancient Origins

Yoga, an ancient practice originating in India, has existed for centuries. Figures like Yoga Guru Ramdev emphasize their role in spreading yoga among the general population. Here's what the expert says:

Health Benefits

Yoga is credited with managing lifestyle diseases and chronic illnesses

Mental Benefits

It also helps you relieve mental stress effectively. It promotes physical health and mental well-being through practices like Yogasan, Pranayam, and meditation.

Reduces Stress

Regular yoga practice is advocated as a means to achieve a stress-free life.

Job Stress?

It is particularly recommended for individuals in demanding professions, highlighting yoga's role in stress management.

Start Tomorrow!

The International Day of Yoga is celebrated worldwide on June 21 each year, with events organized in various countries to promote yoga's benefits and cultural significance. If not now, then when?!


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