Do Cheetahs Roar Or Meow Like Cats? - Some Amazing Facts

Cheetahs Don’t Roar, They Meow

Strange as it may sound Cheetahs don’t roar. They belong to the 'purring cats' subfamily and as such do not roar

Unusual Hunting Habit

Unlike other big cats who hunt at night, a Cheetah usually goes for the kill during the sunrise and sunset

Fastest Animals On Earth

A Cheetah is the fastest land mammal and can run at an amazing speed of 80 – 130 km/h

‘Cheetah’ - Derived From Sanskrit Word

The English name 'Cheetah’ is believed to have derived from the Sanskrit word 'Chitraka'

Task-Focused & Very Alert

They are task-focused and always pay close attention to details

Males Hunt in Groups, Females Hunt Alone

Male Cheetahs often hunt in groups called coalitions. Female Cheetahs, however, are solitary animals


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