10 Things To Do Right Away If Holi Colors Get In Your Eyes - DON'T RISK Ignoring These Advices

Pritam Saha
Mar 07, 2023

Doctor's Prescription

If Holi colors go into your eyes, it can cause irritation and discomfort. Look into what DR. SUBRATA SAMADDER suggests.

Blink Your Eyes

Blink your eyes rapidly to try and flush out the liquid color particles.

Wash Your Eyes With Water

Immediately flush your eyes with clean, cool water for 10-15 minutes. You can use a cup or a gentle stream of water to do this. This will help to remove any remaining color particles and soothe your eyes.

Avoid Rubbing Your Eyes

Do not rub your eyes, as this can cause further irritation and potentially scratch your cornea. Instead, let the water rinse out the color.

Remove Contact Lenses

If you wear contact lenses, remove them as soon as possible. Color particles can get trapped under the lenses and cause further irritation.

Use Artificial Tears

Artificial tears can help to soothe your eyes and flush out any remaining color particles. You can use over-the-counter eye drops or visit an eye doctor for prescription eye drops.

Use A Cold Compress

Applying a cold compress to your eyes can help to reduce inflammation and soothe your eyes. Use a clean cloth or a cold pack, and hold it gently against your eyes for a few minutes at a time.

Use A Saline Solution

A saline solution can help to flush out any remaining color particles and soothe your eyes. Mix 2 teaspoon of salt with 1 litre of water and flush your eyes with the solution.

Avoid Exposure To Bright Lights

Bright lights can make your eyes more sensitive and increase your discomfort. Stay in a dimly lit room until your eyes start to feel better.

Eye Drops

If you are experiencing pain or discomfort, use CIPLOX or GENTICYN -2 eye drops in both eyes 4 hourly.

Seek Medical Attention

If the irritation persists or gets worse, seek medical attention immediately. Your doctor can provide you with additional treatment options to help alleviate the discomfort and prevent any further damage to your eyes.


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