India's 'Game-Changer' Ballistic & Cruise Missiles

Ritesh K Srivastava
Mar 04, 2023

Agni Series Missiles

India Has Five Agni Series Missiles (I, II, III, IV - SRBM & V - ICBM). All operational. Agni VI, an intercontinental ballistic missile, is in the early stages of development.

Exocet ASCM

This is a French short-range anti-ship cruise missile. There are six Exocet variants. AM39 and SM39 are in operational use in India

Agni 'Prime'

It is the advanced version of the ‘Agni-1 missile - a new generation medium-range ballistic missile with a range of 1000 -1500 km


It is an IRBM missile with a strike capability to hit targets upto 3,500 - 4,000 km (In the development stage)


It is a short-range, ship-launched ballistic missile (ShLBM) - the third variant of the Prithvi missile family with a strike range of 350 km.


It is a Long-Range Sub-Sonic Cruise Missile capable of deep penetration into adversary territory to strike high-value targets with precision


It is a Short Range Tactical Ballistic Missile developed by DRDO with a strike range of up to 300 km


It is a Supersonic Cruise Missile that can be launched from submarines, ships, aircraft, or land with a strike range of 300 - 500 km (Operational)


It is an indigenously developed Surface-to-Surface Short-Range Ballistic Missile (SRBM), which has a range of around 350km (Operational)


Also known by the code names K-15 or B-05, it is an Indian submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) with a range of 750 km that was designed for retaliatory nuclear strikes. It belongs to the K Missile family.

Agni V

It is a land-based nuclear-capable Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) being developed by the DRDO with an operational range of 7,000–8,000 km


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