Most Weirdest Drinks Around The World

Snake Wine

The use of snakes has been an age-old practice in Chinese medicine. It is consumed in the form of a shot and is said to treat several illnesses.


This is one of the weird drinks in the world for sure as it consists of rye bread and is also known as fermented black

Baby Mice Wine

A traditional Chinese 'health tonic', Baby Mice wine is prepared using rice wine and 3-day old baby mice.

Deer Penis Wine

Quite a hit among Chinese sports medicine enthusiasts, the deer penis wine is said to have healing properties.

Three Lizard Liquor

Consumed in Chinese and Vietnamese villages, this drink prevents evil spirits from doing any harm to the consumer.

Tuna Tears Soju

A rice wine in South Korea, which is sometimes mixed with the fluid from the eye of a tuna fish.

Panda Dung Tea

Panda Dung Tea, produced in Sichuan, China, is a type of tea fertilized by the dung of pandas.


Chicha, a popular fermented alcoholic drink, is prepared after makers chew the maize and cover it in their saliva to break down the starch.

Peruvian Frog Juice

In Peru, there's a drink that some call frog juice, prepared with skinned frogs and blended with ingredients such as maca root.


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