Top 10 Vastu Tips For Kitchen

1. Placement

Ideally, the kitchen should be located in the southeast corner of the house. If that's not possible, the northwest corner is also acceptable.

2. Cooking Direction

The person cooking should face east while preparing food. This ensures positive energy and good health.

3. Stove Placement

Place the stove in the southeast corner of the kitchen. It should never be positioned directly in front of the kitchen entrance.

4. Sink Placement

The sink should be positioned in the northeast corner of the kitchen. Avoid placing it in the southwest corner.

5. Storage

Store grains, pulses, and other food items in the west or south direction of the kitchen.

6. Ventilation

Adequate ventilation is essential in the kitchen. Install windows or an exhaust fan to maintain fresh air circulation.

7. Avoid Clutter

Keep the kitchen clean and organized, avoiding clutter on countertops and inside cabinets. It promotes a positive atmosphere.

8. Color Scheme

Use light and soothing colors for the kitchen walls and cabinets. Avoid dark shades as they can create a heavy and negative ambiance.

9. Flooring

Opt for easy-to-clean and non-slip flooring in the kitchen. Ceramic tiles or granite are popular choices.

10. Natural Elements

Add a touch of nature with indoor plants or fresh flowers in the kitchen. They bring freshness and positive energy.


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