10 Animals That Can Kill A Lion


Elephants can be gentle giants but if provoked, or if they sense a threat, especially to their calves, the largest land mammals on the earth can turn violent and have the capability to kill a lion.


Crocodiles are powerful predators in water and if there is a conflict of territory - for instance, if a lion tries to cross the waterbody that has crocs - they can attack a lion and even injure it fatally.


Remember the much-loved movie, 'The Lion King'? The king of the jungle might rule supreme but hyenas can be ferocious. They hunt in packs and can even attack and kill a lion.


They can be easygoing and are known to be lazy, but territorial rhinos can confront a lion if they find the latter encroaching upon their land. They weigh roughly five times as much as lions.


Again like rhinos, hippos might look big and goofy, but as per reports, hippos kill more humans than lions yearly. Aggressive and territorial, this deadly land mammal can kill a lion.


Now this might come as a surprise but the gentle-looking giraffe can kick and kick hard - according to reports, an adult giraffe can kick with a force of 2,000 pounds per square inch. However, baby giraffes stay vulnerable to lions' attacks.

Water Buffalo

These animals have brutally sharp horns and if attacked by a lion, they practice mobbing tactics - that is, launch an attack in large numbers together to chase off or even kill a lion.


They might be small in size but their deadly quills can severely and occasionally fatally wound a lion. Usually, lions avoid porcupines while hunting.


Well, nature has made it so that the paths of tigers and lions do not naturally cross. But if they were to be pitted against each other, most scientists believe that the more agile and ferocious tiger is likely to win.


Physically, one of the weakest of animals, human beings with the use of technology and weapons can kill the deadliest of animals, including a lion. Unarmed, man stands no chance, but they use illegal practices, cunning and weapons to poach wild animals.


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