10 Bad Habits That You Must Get Rid Of

Ipsita Bhattacharya
Mar 27, 2024

Fiddling With Phone At Bedtime

Studies have shown how mindless scrolling on a phone at bedtime leads to delayed and poor sleep. Lack of sleep, in turn, can seriously affect both your physical and mental health. (All Images By Freepik)


The habit of unnecessarily delaying an important task, and instead focusing on less urgent, more enjoyable, and easier activities, can hold you back in life. So stop procrastinating today!

Comparing Yourself To Others

Many people try to determine their worth based on how they measure up against others. This is a terrible habit that will only cause fear, avoidance of risks, adhering to expected norms thus leading to loss of individuality and above all, happiness.

Blaming Others

When you blame others for all your problems, it means you are glossing over your own shortcomings and avoiding facing uncomfortable truths about yourself. This leads you to often justify your bad behaviour which will only make life complicated.


Smoking kills, period. From causing cancer, heart disease, stroke, and lung diseases, smoking is a terrible addiction that you should give up immediately.

Excessive Drinking

Consumption of excessive alcohol not only makes one behave embarrassingly in social situations, but it can also lead to a variety of health issues high blood pressure, heart and liver diseases, digestive problems and even cancer. Alcoholism can destroy families, your career and life.

Giving Up Easily

Look around and you will see one of the important traits of successful people is perseverance. To succeed, you can't give up whenever you face the slightest of hindrance but rather persist in difficult situations.

Being Jealous

Jealousy or envy is a negative emotion that you must learn to manage. It's human to be occasionally jealous but if it's extreme, it can lead to irrational suspicion and evoke negative emotions in you for others, which will only harm you in the end. After all, no one wants to be around a jealous friend, relative or colleague.


Well, it's human nature to chitchat but as long as it's harmless, it's okay. But if your gossiping turns malicious, it will not only affect others but also impact your mental health and relationships.

Living In The Past

Change is the only constant and people who tend to dwell in the fast lack the ability to move on in life. This hinders growth, not just professionally but personally, and can impact your relationships.


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